Peter McCullough explains why Myocarditis is NOT mild, cannot ever be MILD. He’s 100% right on the *sudden* rise in sudden deaths:...
Southampton FC footballing legend says that in 17 years of playing and practicing 5 days a week he never saw one player...
Yesterday's MISINFORMATION is today's SCIENCE!
Dr. Aseem Malhotra, physician, cardiologist, medical researcher and author.
Before COVID jab there were 4 cases per million of myocarditis in our young people. Latest count after jab- 25,000 cases per...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper in the Pennsylvania Senate in the middle of...
About 50% of athletes in the big 10 have had cardiac scans and have Myocarditis without symptoms yet…this puts them in line...
Vinay Prasad, MD MPH; Physician & Associate Professor explores the new Lancet paper.
Dr. Peter McCullough is a cardiologist with over 30 years of medical experience. In 2020, as a witness for the United States...
Increased emergency cardiovascular events among under-40 population in Israel during vaccine rollout and third COVID-19 wave '{
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