We were warned by great scientists that vaccinating more and more people will give rise to new vaccine resistant strains. Now the...
Big pharma is not interested in doing clinical trials for Ivermectin because its not profitable to sell Ivermectin anymore.
VIDEO: World Experts Speaks To Australian Politicians - Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone and Dr Vladimir Zelenko.
This study shows that after three months the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are...
WHO: Please, don't vaccinate against Omicron.
I think the time has come to admit that the mass vaccination program that you have been proposing in an attempt to...
Any risk reduction of COVID mortality is irrelevant if it is offset by a risk increase in non-COVID mortality.
Rodney, it's official - you're not safe with 3 doses. You've been conned.
The Economist reports that Sweden--that intrepid place that did not lock down--has the lowest excess all-cause mortality of any European country this...
Traditional vaccines such as Novavax and Covax-19 could increase vaccination rates and stop vaccine hesitancy.
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