PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD says the spike protein from infection just like the spike protein from vaccination stays in the body for some...
Doctor - I’m not happy about that.. I have had Covid…got antibodies and been working in COVID ICU since the beginning. I...
Peter McCullough on early treatment.
Dramatic scenes unfolded at Sydney’s ATP Cup on Wednesday night when tennis star Nikoloz Basilashivili began struggling to breathe early in his...
So Novax Dokovic would theoretically be allowed entry into Israel? Since Israel now recognizes natural immunity?
Once vaccine mandates are introduced in society and people become accustomed to showing their COVID-19 vaccine certificate to participate in social life,...
Man in his 20's received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had no known underlying health conditions.
Novak Djokovic In Melbourne
Daily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people: Sweden vs Europe.
Emmanuel Macron denounced France's 5 million unvaccinated as "non-citizens".
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