The concept of a "deep state" refers to a shadowy network of officials and powerful interests that operate behind the scenes, often...
In a surreal twist of political drama and slapstick comedy, the Biden Administration’s Secret Service found themselves tasked with protecting former President...
Watch live as President Biden and former President Donald Trump square off in the first presidential debate of the 2024 election, hosted...
“President Biden is the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech… 37 hours after he...
Biden can barely speak without slurring his words. And half the time he gets lost on what he's talking about.
Alina Habba, attorney for former President Trump, calls for charges to be dropped against Trump after Biden's bombshell classified documents report on...
Biden Delaware Judge Chasing Elon Musk to Texas?
With new voter data showing President Joe Biden falling further behind in the polls, and with former President Donald Trump forging ahead,...
In 2016 America was almost destroyed by the orange man who was literally Hitler.
Leader of the free world struggling to put his jacket on.
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