Since 2021, the vaccine rollout, we have 1.1 million excessive Americans dying, 4.0 million disabled—we estimate another 28.6 million injured that are...
Del Bigtree destroys the argument that Covid is more dangerous that the Covid-19 vaccine and also shows that 1,6 million in VAERS...
What are your thoughts on AstraZeneca pulling the vaccine nationwide right admitting that the vaccines cause blood clots?
Discover the potential game-changer in the fight against COVID-19 that was overlooked. In this video, we delve into the drug that scientists...
Vinay Prasad, MD MPH; Physician & Professor Hematologist/ Oncologist Professor of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Medicine
In this exclusive interview, silenced Covid expert (Dr Ellapen Rapiti - South Africa) is given the platform to share his insights and...
I think the scientific debate has been stifled. People and doctors have been threatened and lost their jobs..
Vaccine deaths & injuries are socially becoming accepted you will see millions of claimants.
Pfizer, 5.3.6. By every government, the government mandates every company review the first 12 weeks of adverse events, and they had that...
The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun Is everything we’ve been told one big fat...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Pure Media Australia drops the bombshell of the century—a year-long investigation exposing the ultimate...
Are MICROCLOTS Hiding in Your Body Right Now?
Elon Musk is taking on the establishment in a shocking battle to root out...
Dr. John Campbell Discusses Turbo Cancers and Repurposed Drugs with Dr. Makis
The concept of the Messiah unfolds in Scripture like a seed planted in fertile...
If you’re looking to set up IPTV on your Fire Stick, follow this step-by-step...
Behavioral and Health Outcomes of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case-Control Study in Japanese Small...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Dr. John Campbell Discusses Turbo Cancers and Repurposed Drugs with Dr. Makis
Elon Musk is taking on the establishment in a shocking battle to root out...
Are MICROCLOTS Hiding in Your Body Right Now?
Pure Media Australia drops the bombshell of the century—a year-long investigation exposing the ultimate...
In his farewell address, Biden took a moment to poke fun at the situation....
In a surreal twist of political drama and slapstick comedy, the Biden Administration’s Secret...
One Nation works hard to bring you new episodes of Please Explain each week.
A full-body workout with a focus on the lower body A full-body workout with...
Upper body focus workout with bench presses, rows, and shoulder presses. Upper body workouts...
How to Lose Weight: A Comprehensive Carb Cycling Plan with Diet and Workouts Losing...
Core and stabilization exercises Core and stabilization exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles...
Braking only in a straight line and lifting off before turning can indeed destabilize...