Medical Journal Blasts Facebook For Using Fake ‘Fact Checks’ To Justify Censorship. These are clearly propaganda tools and outlets.
The pope said getting the vaccine is an act of love. Maybe the Nun replied, but a forced act of love is...
Politicians and academics deliberately exaggerated the risks in order to ensure compliance. There are consequences of their actions… man dies without paramedics
We were warned by great scientists that vaccinating more and more people will give rise to new vaccine resistant strains. Now the...
Left — normal chicken eye; Right — Eye of a chicken with Marek's disease. The level of impact of ADE (Antibody-Dependent Enhancement)...
Selling a company for billions of dollars didn’t immediately upgrade Mark Cuban’s life. In fact, the longtime entrepreneur, investor and “Shark Tank”...
Big pharma is not interested in doing clinical trials for Ivermectin because its not profitable to sell Ivermectin anymore.
It has been a very good week for the British pound, which is up 1.29%. Despite the optimism displayed by the markets,...
VIDEO: World Experts Speaks To Australian Politicians - Geert Vanden Bossche, Robert Malone and Dr Vladimir Zelenko.
This study shows that after three months the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Are MICROCLOTS Hiding in Your Body Right Now?
Elon Musk is taking on the establishment in a shocking battle to root out...
Dr. John Campbell Discusses Turbo Cancers and Repurposed Drugs with Dr. Makis
The concept of the Messiah unfolds in Scripture like a seed planted in fertile...
If you’re looking to set up IPTV on your Fire Stick, follow this step-by-step...
Behavioral and Health Outcomes of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case-Control Study in Japanese Small...
Get ready for the most mind-blowing predictions of 2025! Geert, a renowned expert vaccinologist,...
Stunning new video from VSRF on myocarditis. Dr Peter McCullough presents the Gill paper...
Research confirms the dangers of bacteria developing the ability to resist drugs
Useful Covid-19 Resources
Dr. John Campbell Discusses Turbo Cancers and Repurposed Drugs with Dr. Makis
Elon Musk is taking on the establishment in a shocking battle to root out...
Are MICROCLOTS Hiding in Your Body Right Now?
In his farewell address, Biden took a moment to poke fun at the situation....
In a surreal twist of political drama and slapstick comedy, the Biden Administration’s Secret...
One Nation works hard to bring you new episodes of Please Explain each week.
A full-body workout with a focus on the lower body A full-body workout with...
Upper body focus workout with bench presses, rows, and shoulder presses. Upper body workouts...
How to Lose Weight: A Comprehensive Carb Cycling Plan with Diet and Workouts Losing...
Core and stabilization exercises Core and stabilization exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles...
Braking only in a straight line and lifting off before turning can indeed destabilize...