The Russian submarine has a new type of nuclear drone which when exploded under water near a city can generate a tsunami.
A total of 14 were either over counted (blus states) or undercounted (all but 1 red states). This not only affects redistricting,...
If a person vaxxed against a virus is classified as 'unvaxxed' within the first 2 weeks, then even a placebo vaxx can...
For decades now, many countries have been unable to sustain a population replacement birth rate, including in Western Europe, South Korea, Japan,...
It failed because of a lack of planning and not enough capture of media and GOV Pharma learned and came back stronger...
Gain of function research in the USA today using enhanced potential pandemic pathogen (ePPP) research.
Since April 2022, excess mortality has been significantly higher in boosted countries than in countries with a low booster rate. Graph shows...
Cost of Living Is Top Issue For Voters: Poll
Over 400 government officials engaged in COVID-19 insider trading Always follow the money!!!
Christine Anderson Calling Out the EU Parliament!