The Anticipation of High Virulence in Highly Vaccinated Populations Is A Delayed Outcome of Large-Scale COVID-19 Vaccination Program. Any newly emerging CoV...
"What they created was not a vaccine." -Dr. Charles Hoffe
Longtime elections analyst and GOP pollster Frank Luntz recently stunned a CNN panel of corporatists media types by showing evidence that all...
It’s one of many illnesses they say could be caused by, or worsened by, COVID or COVID vaccines. One estimate from a...
Dr David Bull and Dr Renee Hoenderkamp speak with doctor and Professor of oncology Angus Dalgleish. The UK’s pharmaceutical watchdog has accused...
what you do in a lab is you actually speed up evolution and you direct evolution, because you keep infecting mice that...
It's been four years since the COVID-19 pandemic began. So why are we still talking about it? Jesse Kelly doesn't want this...
This short video will get you up to speed. Kevin delivers some serious information - calmly, concisely, and clearly. A must watch...
FDA admits it intentionally deceived Americans on Ivermectin The FDA ignored 100+ studies and worked to dissuade doctors, pharmacists, and patients. FDA...
Geert stated "Nature will unambiguously demonstrate that neither the unvaccinated nor the vaccinated who refused to re-vaccinate can be blamed for the...