Let's have an official investigation into what is going on with this sudden increase in cancers amongst young people particularly in the...
Producing a significant excess of tolerant 'IgG4' antibodies carries potential risks, including an elevated likelihood of developing cancer and the potential for...
In 2020, G20 governments, in collusion with the World Economic Forum’s "Stakeholders", discretely and undemocratically enacted a global ten-year transition to an...
Believing in the “cause at all costs” makes many people dangerous hypocrites & apologists who have lost their morality.
We know, by all the different measures, that many more people are dying now than were before the pandemic. In particular, the...
Whom will they hold accountable once this immune escape pandemic inevitably transitions to its hyperacute phase? At that juncture, their only recourse...
Kemp speaks to GBN America’s Steven Edginton about the latest developments in the Middle East from Jerusalem. Iran's proxies in Hamas, Lebanon...
New Trump Ads are amazing!
10 Shots You Must Know To Become A Better Snooker Player
“President Biden is the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech… 37 hours after he...