The only possibility I see for the virus to break through this pressure is a sudden and drastic change in the glycosylation...
UK excess deaths were closely associated with the use of Midazolam and other medical intervention.
Australia’s expert on vaccines, Nikolai Petrovski tried to warn EVERYONE at the very start, that the Covid mRNA vaccine tech was "developed...
Omicron may be now considered a SEROTYPE of SARS-CoV-2. This means that the likelihood of ADE occurring is almost certain, especially if...
In fact the boss of Australia’s Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, or OGTR, recently admitted to an Australian Senate Committee that...
The history of Asbestos indicates that it took almost 100 years after harm was identified for this product to be banned!
As the WHO’s leading vaccine expert admits in court that vaccine passports may have been a scam due to the fact that...
Forrest Maready is the author of “The Moth in the Iron Lung”, among other books. It tells a very different story of...
As soon as any heavily C-19 vaccinated country experiences a significant surge in cases of enhanced severe C-19 disease, I'd promptly begin...
Did not anticipate the possibility that adding methyl-pseudouridine to mRNA to avoid an excessive inflammatory response, could make people susceptible to other...