Chris Cuomo interviews Nurse Practitioner, Sean Barcavage, who was featured in the NYT article today about vaccine injuries. During the interview Cuomo...
97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this...
Could viral sepsis be a new presentation of the Covid virus? How would we know before it is too late? Is Geert...
Controlling people through a weaponization of fear, I argue, is fundamentally unethical. But it's what's being done, what's being done by our...
Dr Redfield (virologist & CDC Director when COVID appeared) always believed it was manmade so Fauci excluded him from early investigations into...
Ukraine given ‘green light’ for long-ranged attacks on Russia to combat enemy gains - The Sun's Defence Editor Jerome Starkey explains more.
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However, despite the claims made by China's ‘batwoman’ and her warning regarding the outbreak of another coronavirus outbreak, other Chinese virologists dismissed...
So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information...
Professor of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery National University of Ireland on Post-Vaccine Embalming- discussing the images of white fiber clots.