Why? For saying natural immunity negated the need for a COVID shot. The Pfizer biodistribution studies reveal why these shots cause unprecedented...
Eva Vlaardingerbroek about Dutch Farmers' Protests against the national nitrogen policy.
Uncover the shocking truth about natural immunity to COVID that the CDC has been hiding from you! In this eye-opening video, we...
Never Forget How The Unvaccinated Were Treated During The Pandemic | Tucker Carlson Tonight May 26, 2024
After the TGA has approved $2 Billion in payments to Big Pharma for ‘covid anti-virals’ Molnupiravir and Paxlovid - Oxford’s study finds...
Internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough describes for Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson how people who've taken the COVID injections refuse to talk...
F-15shasing the Moon's umbra during a solar eclipse remaining within the shadow for 3 minutes.
Radiologist Dr. Phillip Triantos describes for The Blaze Senior Editor Daniel Horowitz how the COVID injections have likely been more deadly, on...
More evidence coming forward of the complete corruption of our federal health agencies. They’re completely opaque and refuse to provide the transparency...
Scientifically speaking, it cannot be ruled out that the bird flu panzootic is currently accelerating the evolutionary dynamics of the SARS-CoV-2 (SC-2)...