WHO: Please, don't vaccinate against Omicron.
I think the time has come to admit that the mass vaccination program that you have been proposing in an attempt to...
As a good will gesture President Donald Trump Sings Merry Christmas To Joe Biden.
Around $100 billion was swindled from the American stimulus package in 2020.
Director General of the Ministry of Health Israel, Prof. Nachman Ash may delay the rollout of 4th COVID shots amid signs Omicron...
Any risk reduction of COVID mortality is irrelevant if it is offset by a risk increase in non-COVID mortality.
It looks like the Israeli public is no longer blindly obedient and could now be the majority.
Rodney, it's official - you're not safe with 3 doses. You've been conned.
The Economist reports that Sweden--that intrepid place that did not lock down--has the lowest excess all-cause mortality of any European country this...
Traditional vaccines such as Novavax and Covax-19 could increase vaccination rates and stop vaccine hesitancy.