In a surreal twist of political drama and slapstick comedy, the Biden Administration’s Secret Service found themselves tasked with protecting former President...
One Nation works hard to bring you new episodes of Please Explain each week.
Believing in the “cause at all costs” makes many people dangerous hypocrites & apologists who have lost their morality.
Any politician that uses the phrase "we will be your single source of truth" - deserves all the mockery they receive.
"Before Covid do your own research use to be called reading." ~Jimmy Dore
In 2016 America was almost destroyed by the orange man who was literally Hitler.
Evidence that the VACCINATED are more intelligent than chimpanzees.
We need to hold every one of these people accountable.
Stephen takes his guest Dr. Anthony Fauci next door to the pharmacy to receive his COVID booster shot, to demonstrate that the...
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