A research letter from South Africa to JAMA shares the characteristics of the Omicron patients that were treated or admitted to hospitals...
Is Government the New God? - The Religion of Totalitarianism.
The key goal is to stop transmission. To get the immunity levels up so you almost get no infection whatsoever.
Preliminary data suggests that Omicron appears to be causing milder illness in children, similar to early findings for adults.
Reminder: The CDC published a study in June that claimed the vaccines "reduce risk of COVID-19 infection by 91%."...
The virus is laughing at the adaptive immunity induced by the vaccines.
Arena is a biopharmaceutical company focused in part on cardiovascular and inflammatory medicines to a global patient cohort.
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Local hospitals are changing their policy now. They fired unvax’d, under the pretense of making their work environment safe, and now they’re...
Wuhan Lab Hosts Conference On How To Avoid Lab Leaks.
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