A headline designed for fake news since the vax does not stop infection.
Vaccinate Children? Do not vaccinate healthy children. An Absolute NO GO ZONE!
The stupid thing in the story of the antigen is that samples are taken from the nose which makes the tests unreliable...
PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD says the spike protein from infection just like the spike protein from vaccination stays in the body for some...
Peter McCullough on early treatment.
Man in his 20's received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and had no known underlying health conditions.
Daily new confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people: Sweden vs Europe.
In the 18 year old age group there were 3 unvaccinated deaths vs 1 vaccinated.
If you give up grains for 2 weeks, you will get a number of benefits from taking stress of your heart to...
Dr Peter McCullough Interview - Why social distancing, lockdowns and masks won't solve the crisis.
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