Vaccination of vulnerable groups against monkeypox virus (MPV) in a highly C-19 vaccinated population will drive adaptive evolution of MPV and ignite...
AUDIO of Dr Geert Vanden Bossche Comments. There is no greater impotence in all the world like knowing you are right and...
Whereas immune training is a blessing, immune drainage is a scourge! That’s why only natural immunity can eventually fully protect you during...
Intra-pandemic vaccination of toddlers with non-replicating antibody-based vaccines targeted at Acute self-limiting viral infection or Acute self-limiting viral disease -enabling glycosylated viruses...
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche & Dr. Paul Elias Alexander URGENT call July 22nd 2022: Pediatricians & parents, PLEASE, we beg you, do...
Antiviral treatments will become critical to save lives! Don't destroy your child's innate immune system.
Geert explains why he predicts that instead of generating herd immunity, C-19 mass vaccination triggers a chain reaction of new pandemics and...
He thinks the vaccinal antibodies interfere with the normal practice and normal development of the child’s innate immune system. Is this correct?...
For the past two weeks I have been working on a document summarizing my conclusions on the immuno-epidemiological consequences of the mass...
What Happens If We Get An Immune Escape Sars-Covid-2 Variant Adapts To The Highly Vaccinated Population Such As To Enable High Infectiousness...
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