In this video, Geert Vanden Bossche gives what may be his final warning on Covid, sharing his thoughts on the pandemic. Tune...
Ironically, this means that governments in highly C-19 vaccinated countries should ideally mandate the use of ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine to mitigate the...
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche holds a Ph.D. in virology. Years ago he worked for several vaccine companies in R&D, and even worked...
Geert predicts a significant transformation of the viral landscape, similar to the emergence of Omicron, where 30 mutations in the spike protein...
He confirms that those who took the Covid Vaccine have deregulated immune systems and will experience a great loss of life by...
Geert proposes immune retraining for the vaccinated to combat viral variants. Learn more about training the immune system in this insightful video...
While MMR[2] vaccination could potentially sufficiently train NK cells to substantially diminish the viral load of a newly emerging CoV, I am...
The only possibility I see for the virus to break through this pressure is a sudden and drastic change in the glycosylation...
As soon as any heavily C-19 vaccinated country experiences a significant surge in cases of enhanced severe C-19 disease, I'd promptly begin...
Whom will they hold accountable once this immune escape pandemic inevitably transitions to its hyperacute phase? At that juncture, their only recourse...
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