
‘7 Things They Told Us That Turned Out Not To Be Accurate’: Jordan Slams Fauci, Biden

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House GOP leadership press briefing when reporters asked questions, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-NY) and other Republican lawmakers blasted President Biden’s record on COVID-19 after a year in office.

New Emails Reveal Fauci’s Role in Shaping Highly Influential Paper That Established COVID ‘Natural Origin’ Narrative

New evidence has emerged that suggests that Dr. Anthony Fauci not only initiated efforts to cover up evidence pointing to a lab origin of SARS-CoV-2 but actively shaped a highly influential academic paper that excluded the possibility of a lab leak.

Fauci’s involvement with the paper wasn’t acknowledged by the authors, as it should have been under prevailing academic standards. Neither was it acknowledged by Fauci himself, who denied having communicated with the authors when asked directly while testifying before Congress last week.

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