Government Officials Now tell Us That Covid Is Similar To Aids.
They used a protein of HIV to make the shot….
If you have taken several doses, don’t waste time arguing—get tested for HIV.
The spike protein your body produces post-“vaccination” contains exogenous elements from the HIV virus and other harmful components. Bohemian Atmosphere is correct: by the third dose, your immune system (both innate and adaptive) is severely compromised. It’s worse: the spike protein is particularly effective at destroying your T cells and your ability to produce new T cells, leading to a condition similar to AIDS.
The natural defense system God gave you to keep you alive has been destroyed or severely damaged, making you prone to disease, cancer, and death. Perhaps this is why the DNA plasmids included in the vaccine contained SV40, along with enhancers and promoters. It gets worse: your body can’t rid itself of the modified mRNA, and with each injection, you are producing more spike protein, which continues to destroy your immune system at an accelerating rate.
We haven’t even touched on autoimmune diseases, but the above is enough for this post.