
Lest We Forget: Brad Hazzard Throwing Our Young Under The Bus

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The date, August 6, 2021.

During that time this is the NSW data of all deaths for under 30.

Brad Hazzard, NSW Minister for Health, Australia

“To the young people who are in the 8 local government areas of concern (Western, and South Western Sydney). You have your HSC (year 12 matriculation exams) coming up in October. In order to be able to do that safely , for you to be able to go and sit your exams, you are being given a golden opportunity to attend the QUDOS Bank Arena next week. We’ve seen our Olympic stars go for Gold, and we’ve seen the most amazing stars in the Qudos Arena, Lana Del Ray, Pink, Madonna.

You have a chance to go to that stadium and actually land some Gold, by gettting your first Pfizer vaccination. NSW Health are doing everything they can to “back you in” and make sure that you can go safely to your HSC exams by October.
But what we really need you to do is to GO FOR GOLD next week.
We have 24 000 of you that can get along to QUDOS Arena next week …”

I remember that week well.

Make no mistake that these 16 and 17 year old children thought they would not be permitted to sit their public matriculation exams unless they got these shots. This speech created panic and havoc in Western and South Western Sydney. It was a shameful use of language to coerce these children and their families to take the shots.
Never forget.

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