Australian Excess Deaths Up 11% in Feb 2024 – But the Australian Bureau of Statistics Is Hiding It

When the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have changed the way they report Excess Mortality in a manner which hides the ongoing shocking double digit rates of Excess Mortality in Australia.

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When the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have changed the way they report Excess Mortality in a manner which hides the ongoing shocking double digit rates of Excess Mortality in Australia – what other conclusion can one reach other than that the once revered ABS is now just another corrupted Canberra swamp bureaucracy protecting the globalists’ interests.

☠️The ABS give a monthly report titled Provisional Monthly Mortality Statistics for “measuring changes in patterns in mortality”.

☠️Traditionally this would report a headline percentage +/-of Excess Deaths for the month (compared the same month the previous year) above or below a baseline – with the baseline calculated from an average of the previous 4 years, however sometimes highly anomalous years have been excluded as not to distort the baseline.

☠️Since the rollout of the Covid injections, especially the start of the boosters, this monthly data has consistently shown a highly alarming double digit rate of excess mortality. This represents a national emergency. Something has gone drastically wrong to have so many more Australians dying.

☠️However, given the most likely explanation for the highly alarmingly excess death rates is the Covid vaccine, the media that acted as a cheer-squad for the vaccines silent about excess deaths.

☠️And now the ABS are getting into the act by hiding the alarming Excess Death headline number from the public.

☠️In their latest release published on Friday, in the headline key statistics the ABS state ”February 2024 was comparable to 2023″ and were “3.9% lower than 2022”

☠️By changing their methods and presenting the data in such a way, the ABS creates the impression, nothing to see here, nothing to worry about, move on.

☠️But what the ABS doesn’t say is that Excess Deaths in Feb 2023 (445 deaths per day) were 8.9% above a Feb baseline of 418 deaths per days.

☠️Nor does the ABS mention that Excess Deaths in Feb 2022 were a shocking 17.1% above the baseline.

☠️Therefore Excess Deaths for Feb 2024 (465 deaths per day) were again a highly alarming 11.2% above what the baseline last Feb of 418 deaths per day.

☠️An ongoing double digit rate of Excess Mortality is a national emergency. After months and months of Excess Deaths in the double digits, excess mortality should now be the negative.

☠️Something has gone drastically wrong, Australians are dying at record unprecedented numbers. And the most likely cause is the mass injection of the Australian population with an experimental genetic agent – yet the ABS IS COVERING UP THE DATA by changing the way they report Excess Deaths which hides an ongoing double digit Excess Mortality.

☠️When the ABS can no longer be trusted to report national statistics without spin and bias, it time for a complete flushing of the corrupted Canberra swamp.

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