Bait and Switch: Approved mRNA Manufacturing Process Differs from Mass Production Method

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The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials.

There was a “bait and switch.” The clinical trials tested “Process 1” while the public received “Process 2.”

And what they never told you is that “Process 2” was only tested on about 252 people, instead of 40,000 people.

They also didn’t tell you that the vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA.

A new study by Kevin McKernan and colleagues found “the presence of billions to hundreds of billions of DNA molecules per dose in these vaccines. Using fluorometry, all vaccines exceed the guidelines for residual DNA set by FDA and WHO of 10 ng/dose by 188 to 509-fold.”

In layman’s terms, that’s not 500%; that is up to 500 times the amount of residual DNA that is acceptable.

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