After TGA Approval Oxford Study Finds $2 Billion COVID Antivirals Useless

After the TGA has approved $2 Billion in payments to Big Pharma for ‘covid anti-virals’ Molnupiravir and Paxlovid – Oxford’s study finds them USELESS

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After the TGA has approved $2 Billion in payments to Big Pharma for ‘covid anti-virals’ Molnupiravir and Paxlovid – Oxford’s study finds them USELESS

Failed Molnupiravir study:

Failed Paxlovid study:

Over 1.5 million Australians have been prescribed Molnupiravir and Paxlovid to treat Covid, at a cost of $1,100 a course – and now Oxford’s study (1,060 patient study) finds them useless.

This is now test of the TGA, will the TGA pull these experimental drugs from the market, given that Oxford have found them useless and their

Now wonder the malfeasants at Oxford delayed release ing this study protecting Big Pharma’s revenue.

As c19 Study notes;

There was an exactly one year delay in publication after completion of recruitment. No press release or results are shown on the trial web site. In contrast, a press release was issued for the HCQ arm on the same day that recruitment ended.

The one year delay may be a maximum delay due to EU Clinical Trials registration and associated regulatory requirements for the release of results within 12 months.

Further, in this study the butchers at Oxford managed to sacrifice 179 lives – with 17% of the Covid patients enrolled in the study dying.

If the 179 people that died in this study had of instead been given Ivermectin & Zinc (in adequate doses), the data shows that the majority would still be alive today.

It is crystal clear to anyone with half a brain and not in infected with the woke mind virus and that looks at all the evidence, that Ivermectin is far, far superior to Molnupiravir and Paxlovid in terms of efficacy, cost, and risk of dangerous side effects.

But that’s not a profitable outcome for Big Pharma, so expect their stooges at the TGA to keep hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to them through the sales of Molnupiravir and Paxlovid.

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