The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) are hiding excess mortality data

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The ABS today published their monthly update for Provisional Mortality Statistics.

This was the publication where Australia’s Excess Mortality was reported, and since roll-out of experimental jabs this monthly data was showing a shocking & unprecedented double-digit excess mortality in Australia.

Something was going terribly wrong with so many people dying.

But the ABS have fixed “the problem” of this inconvenient data being released to the public.

The ABS have changed the way they report the data to hide the monthly rate of excess mortality by using a discredited method of making comparisons against the year 2023 only, instead using the internationally accepted standard of making the comparison against the average of previous 4 years.

So the ABS state that the deaths in Jan 2024 were “comparable to the deaths in 2023”.

In other words – nothing to see here, no problem, move along.

But the ABS are engaged in a misinformation campaign. The Ministry of Truth would be pleased.

The inconvenient facts are that in Jan 2023 excess deaths were an alarming 12.4% above the baseline.

Therefore excess deaths in Australia remain in double-digits. This shocking and alarming, and deserving of a Royal Commission of why Australians are continuing to die in such record numbers.

This is an absolute disgrace from the ABS, they are covering up the shocking rate of Excess Deaths In Australia.

And we hear crickets from the supposed opposition, the Liberals who are silent on the issue. Yet again it‘s left to ONE NATION.

When we can no longer trust the ABS, when the ABS manipulate the presentation of data to fit the government narrative – the Canberra swamp needs a complete draining.

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