PRINCIPLE trial demonstrates ivermectin leads to significantly improved recovery and a reduction in long COVID

The p-values for ivermectin improving sustained recovery, early sustained recovery, alleviation of all symptoms, and sustained alleviation are < 0.0001. Patients in the ivermectin group had significantly better health one year later. The p-value for lower moderate/major symptoms with ivermectin at 12 months is < 0.0000001 (individual symptom results combined).

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The PRINCIPLE trial demonstrates that ivermectin leads to significantly improved recovery and a substantially reduced risk of long COVID.

PRINCIPLE trial: significantly improved recovery and significantly lower risk of long COVID with ivermectin, even with very late treatment and poor administration.

This is despite being the most clearly designed to fail study (compare the treatment delay, population, treatment regimen, and administration with the same group’s molnupiravir trial), and despite the team taking 19 months to get the data “fully cleaned”.

The p-values for ivermectin improving sustained recovery, early sustained recovery, alleviation of all symptoms, and sustained alleviation are < 0.0001.

Patients in the ivermectin group had significantly better health one year later. The p-value for lower moderate/major symptoms with ivermectin at 12 months is < 0.0000001 (individual symptom results combined).

The spin in the paper is incredible. (Compare also with the spin in the group’s recent paper showing increased mutagenesis and viral persistence with molnupiravir, where they recommend longer treatment).

Take Ivermectin not molnupiravir.

PRINCIPLE trial ivermectin arm:

Increased mutagenesis and viral persistence with molnupiravir:

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