These arguments by the FDA’s lawyer are beyond the pale. Simply devastatingly inaccurate and, if not that, then so brazenly incompetent I am at a loss for words. The FDA was 100% aware of the impact of its actions or 1,000,000% incompetent. Pick one.
Here’s an example of the impact which we were all tracking in real-time as the FDA also most certainly was:
We have dozens of such cases. This despite the well-known fact and practice of off-label use/prescribing.
The FDA was revealed to be “thrilled” by their efforts to stymie ivermectin use. This is the same FDA that was dead silent over falsified Oxycontin “studies” and the resulting deaths, devastating benzodiazepine dependencies, use of psychoactive meds in children.
Ivermectin is literally the safest drug I’ve ever deeply researched. It’s not even close. I am supposed to believe the FDA doesn’t also know this? That they cared about “our” safety when it came to Ivermectin but not for opiates? Get out of here with that BS.
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