Subclinical Myocarditis May Be More Common Than Thought.
40 out of 800 boosted healthcare workers developed positive troponin. Troponin doesn’t just miraculously show up in your blood. Even a slight elevation is indicative of heart damage.

Very concerning if these days are borne out in a full report!
Dr. Muller is a very accomplished investigator and biomarker expert though so I suspect it will.
How does it matter if it doesn’t result in overt myocarditis? Had Troponin not been checked, these people would be just going about their lives as usual right?
What could happen? Are you serious? It’s potential cardiac damage. Can cause arrhythmia + other issues, and it might be playing a role in what we are seeing: people dying suddenly all over the place. Confounding this with repeated jabs could be a death sentence.
If the heart isn’t a problem for you unless you’re feeling pain? Think of it this way-how comfortable would you be to be full of cancer and just not know it yet?!?