Vaccinating The Masses —With A None Sterilizing Vaccine— Is Now Backfiring On The Weak And Vulnerable
If NSW Health continue to give —none sterilizing— vaccines to the healthy population we will never reach herd immunity & the vulnerable will pay the price for this propharma governance. Without natural immunity Omicron will become even more virulent.
By vaccinating the healthy masses we gave the virus a large laboratory to become more contagious & virulent against the narrow & specific antibodies of the vaccine. This exposed the healthy to unnecessary adverse events from the vaccine and ultimately hurts the ‘vulnerable’ who are now guaranteed to be infected at some point.
By herd immunity for coronaviruses I mean reduced ‘virulence’. If you acquire natural immunity for Covid-19 you will not develop severe disease from new strains. Natural immunity has broad protection contrary to the narrow protection of the specific antibodies from the vaccine.