A First: Avian Influenza Detected in American Dolphin
Geert Vanden Bossche predict that the cases in mammalian species (including humans) will grow over winter. In addition, he is unsure whether spill-over cases of avian flu (or enzootic flu in general) always cause disease. He recently posted an article on my website postulating that the immune response in highly vaccinated populations could render monkeypox virus, but also enzootic flu, largely asymptomatic. In that case, symptomatic cases in humans and other mammalian species would only point to the tip of the iceberg, though, that he doesn’t feel very reassured by the statement made in this press release:
“The virus has some features that make further study and follow-up on mammalian cases important, but the virus does not currently contain the features we know are required for transmission between humans and likely other mammalian hosts.” “In addition, the recent discovery of HPAIV in a porpoise in Sweden almost certainly suggests that the Florida dolphin finding isn’t a one-off, unique event”.
How can we say that the virus has some ‘features’ that prevent transmission between humans and other mammalian species if we have no clue about potential asymptomatic transmission. It has recently been reported that the rapid and widespread dissemination of Monkeypox virus (in highly vaccinated countries!) was also rooted in asymptomatic transmission….