Tuesday 1 March 2022
Today’s data shows that 100% of the deaths today were people over 60; averaging out to 85% for the last 7 days or 86% for people over 70.
Today 89% of the deaths were among the vaccinated, which averages out to 86% for the last 7 days.
Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions and this should be taken into consideration when vaccinating our children.
Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised
Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised today was calculated to be NEGATIVE at -159%.
The 7 day moving average remains NEGATIVE at -101% (57 lives lost).
Please note this blog begins its calculation once the patients are admitted to hospital. I am not taking into account if and how well the vaccine stops infection and hospitalisation when you vaccinate the healthy general public.
What’s happening in NSW hospitals?
Today 1 March, 2022
7 Day Moving Average
For hospitalised patients we are not given the age or comorbidity breakdown for patients in hospital.
Vaccine effectiveness against death once hospitalised simply looks at the latest known hospital occupancy of the vaxxed verses the unvaxxed and the deaths associated with the same cohort.
This calculation is measuring severe cases (hospitalised patients) and then comparing them against the final outcome, and the number of deaths for this cohort. Vaccination rate of the population, is irrelevant for this calculation, as this method does NOT allow the vaccine to receive glory for vaccinating the healthy. This formula is a better measuring stick, as it shows the true vaccine efficacy and protection of the vulnerable, who often have comorbidities and are hospitalised.
To validate information sources — data should be checked forwards and backwards — and I chose to tackle the problem by focusing on the hospital leg.
Please note that we are measuring vaccine efficacy once hospitalised so we are not including vaccination rates in the population but I do consider this and show this calculation towards the end of this page.
We know that COVID-19 disproportionately targets the elderly and sadly the publicly available data provided, by NSW Health, is incomplete and we do not know the age breakdown or comorbidity of the people in hospital hence our limitations to draw authoritative conclusions. Therefore the vaccine efficacy once hospitalised against death as calculated here, should be treated as a rough guide, and should only be applied to the older vulnerable age groups (over 50) as they are the ones that are dying. I will attempt to access all the required data but at this stage these —real world— numbers are what we have to work with.
Patients in hospital:
*Data taken from the COVID-19 Risk Management Dashboard put out by NSW Health on the 16th of February. This data is not broken down by dose, age or comorbidity. Sources with links to NSW Health official data sources are shown at the bottom of this page.
Today’s Deaths:
Sadly, NSW Health is reporting the deaths of nine people with COVID-19; five women and four men.
One person was aged in their 60s, one person was in their 70s, four people were aged in their 80s and three people were aged in their 90s.
Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for COVID-19, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.
Four people had received three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine, four people had received two doses and one person was not vaccinated.
*Data taken from NSW Health twitter update with links to the tweets further down this page.
*We do not get a detailed list of vaccine status for each case and age group but we do get totals and sometimes they give us the comorbidity details as well mainly for under 65 year olds.
*Above data table shows the calculation to obtain Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised.
Comparing the Vx/UVx ratios for death to the Vx/UVx ratios for hospitalisation to derive effectiveness is better than using vaccination population ratios because it removes any confounders for hospitalisation.
In research when investigating a potential cause-and-effect relationship, a confounding variable is an unmeasured third variable that influences both the supposed cause and the supposed effect. Therefore calculating efficacy closer to the final outcome (death), can give us a more reliable number. For example since people with comorbidity are mainly the ones who are dying it would be wrong to use the vaccination rate of the healthy general public to work out vaccine efficacy for people who have other serious conditions. This is especially true when we know from Israeli data, that people who have other serious medical conditions have lower vaccination rates than the healthy general public. This is true for almost all age groups except for the 100 plus.
Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised for March 1, 2022:
was calculated to be NEGATIVE at -159%.
Seven Day Average:
The 7 Day Moving Average Vaccine Efficacy Against Death Once Hospitalised for the period starting from February 23, 2022 to March 1, 2022
was calculated to be NEGATIVE at -101%
Deaths by Dose, Comorbidity And Age Breakdown

Today’s Conclusion
We can see that the elderly with comorbidity are the ones who are dying and for some reason in Israel people with comorbidity have a lower vaccination rate than the healthy general public as they were probably less impacted by the job mandates. I would assume this fact would be similar in Australia but since we do not have this data we are forced to use the higher vaccination rate of the healthy general public.
Therefore if we accept that 94% of the adults in NSW over 50 are vaccinated; today’s vaccine efficacy against death by considering the relative vaccination rates was calculated to be 49% today as shown in the table below. This is a terrible result as the vaccine was meant to be 50% effective against infection so we would expect a far better performance against death. This shows us that the Australian TGA did not do their due diligence when approving and coercing the public into this mass vaccination program. A Royal Commission will be required to get to the bottom of this.
This is especially concerning when a freedom of information request to the TGA (australian version of the FDA) just released confirms that the TGA had no idea how to assess an mRNA therapy product.
It is clear that the process of approval was not fit for purpose. Yet nobody said anything. They just took the fee and rubber stamped the approval.
Please read the article titled “FDA/TGA Had No Idea How To Assess An mRNA Therapy Product” for more information.
The author of this blog feels this calculation is flawed as we are not seeing the healthy unvaccinated in the mortality data hence we should only be using vaccination rates of people with comorbidities. Hence this blog is focused on comparing the Vx/UVx ratios for death to the Vx/UVx ratios for hospitalisation to derive effectiveness which reduces any confounders for hospitalisation but this calculation above is shown for transparency.
This author desires to save lives and believes in all hands on deck as both the vaccinated and unvaccinated require early treatment especially if the individual is elderly and has multiple comorbidities.
We should allow doctors to be doctors and permit them to use repurposed drugs in the early stage of this disease as our elderly need the vaccine plus early treatment.
We call upon the government to:
(1) Release doctors to be doctors under an emergency cover without threats from big pharma, medical boards, TGA regulators and other government restrictions.
(2) Reverse their decision and stop blocking safe and effective repurposed medications that have been approve and are proven to be safe for other diseases.
The time for therapeutics is now when almost everyone has been vaccinated.
Data Source:
Hospital Occupancy Data By Vaccine Status Was taken From The COVID-19 Risk Management Dashboard
Please remember I currently do not have access to detail mortality data broken down by age and vaccine status so the signal reliability will be crude and perhaps should only be applied to get an indication how well the vaccine protect the vulnerable (elderly) who represent the vast majority of the deaths.