The Cypriot ‘Deltacron’ sequences reported by several large media outlets look to be quite clearly contamination – they do not cluster on a phylogenetic tree and have a whole Artic primer sequencing amplicon of Omicron in an otherwise Delta backbone.
Titus 1:12
12 One of them, a prophet of their own, said, Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons.
Cyprus-mail reports that it is still too early to predict whether Deltacron could overpower Delta and Omicron.
Speaking to local media, Kostrikis explained that the new variant, which has been dubbed Deltacron, shares the genetic background of the Delta variant along with some of the mutations of Omicron.
“We have found a significant number of mutations only previously found in Omicron cases, which is different from other variants as it has 30 mutations,” he said. “Ten of these were identified in these samples taken in Cyprus”.
He added that the variant was identified in 25 samples taken in Cyprus, 11 of which came from people hospitalised for coronavirus and 14 from the general population.
“The frequency of the mutations was higher among those in hospital which could mean there is a correlation between Deltacron and hospitalisations”.