The current narrative is that Omicron originated from Botswana where it was first detected on the 11th of November 2021.
Omicron makes a sudden appearance inconsistent with the other variants, and contains the largest number of mutations. Please watch the mutation evolution video below.
However, there is troubling evidence of a different origin which comes from a Botswana press release stating that the newly discovered variant was imported to Botswana by international travellers.
The Botswanan Ministry of Health and Wellness revealed that Omicron “was detected on four foreign nationals who had entered Botswana on the 7th November 2021, on a diplomatic mission. The quartet tested positive for COVID-19 on the 11th November 2021 as they were preparing to return.” What is important to note is that these diplomats were only in Botswana for four days, and in this short span they managed to become patients zero, one, two, and three of the latest and greatest COVID strain?
The official Botswana press release below: