Dr Sucharit Bhakdi: Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack

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Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine

Steve Kirsche double checked the research with experts and said it’s consistent with everything we know so far.

The authors did an autopsy in 15 patients who died (from 7 days to 6 months) after receiving the COVID vaccine. These were all cases where the coroner ruled as NOT being caused by the vaccine.

They discovered that in 14 of the 15 patients there was widespread evidence of the body attacking itself, something that is never seen before. The heart was attacked in all 14 cases.

A number of salient aspects dominated in all affected tissues of all cases:

  1. inflammatory events in small blood vessels (endotheliitis), characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and sequestered, dead endothelial cells within the vessel lumen;
  2. the extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes;
  3. a massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissue with T-lymphocytes.
    Lymphocytic infiltration occasionally occurred in combination with intense lymphocytic activation and follicle formation. Where these were present, they were usually accompanied by tissue destruction.

Here is the Steve Kirsche article:

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