A reminder that originally the FDA authorized the COVID mRNA shots for the *prevention* of COVID-19
The FDA authorized the COVID mRNA shots for the *prevention* of COVID-19. Yes, “prevention,” meaning you’re not going to get COVID-19. The focal point for authorization was a trial claiming that the shots reduce risk of *infection* by 91%.
Big Pharma and government regulators sold and authorized COVID shots to the masses using the core claim that they were providing something akin to a cure. These so-called vaccines were sold as immunization agents (that’s why they called them vaccines), not as a therapy treatment that may at some point down the line help reduce your symptoms if you acquire the disease.
There’s one major problem with their claim.
It’s baseless. Entirely baseless.
Source: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-approves-first-covid-19-vaccine